Dog Training

For over 15 years Diagnose has been training detection dogs for a variety of functions and markets, including commercial aviation, police, military, customs and more.

Our training program fully complies with International and EU regulations, as well as local requirements. According to its designated function, each dog is certified by the relevant authorities, for example: the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) or the local police.

We can provide semi-trained or fully trained dogs for different purposes, among them:

  • Free Running Explosives Detection Dog (FREDDs)
  • Narcotic Detection Dog (NDD)
  • Man Tracking Dog – scent discrimination trailing
  • Security Patrol Dog

We also offer specialised training including:

  • REST Explosive Detection Dogs
  • Combat Explosives Detection Dogs (CEDDs for high risk environments)
  • People Screening Detection Dogs (EDD / NDD)
  • Currency Detection Dogs (CDD)
  • Special Response SWAT Team Dogs (SRT)
  • Anti-poaching Dogs / Ivory Detection Dogs

Our training curriculum is based on three key principles:


We deploy a rigorous vetting process. All our dogs must pass an entry test of 5 days’ duration, designed to evaluate their natural instincts, temperament, social skills and sense of smell


Following basic obedience training, our dogs begin comprehensive olfactory training where they learn to sniff different odours with a “sit” alert response. We use only real explosives


Critical specialty module training focuses on real-life field work and will often directly reflect the intended deployment dog and the handler

Contact Us

The Diag-Nose team will be happy to provide more information regarding our dogs and products.
France: +33 3 10 18 80 05
The Netherlands: +31 20 653 52 64
UK: +44 20 7874 7576
Canada: +1 905-333-4242
Spain: +34 91 329 5376
Greece: +30 210 96 16 363

Part of the ICTS Europe Group

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